How to resolve disputes on ebay and other chinese shops

My manual shows how to communicate with the seller that the issue is resolved.

Before initiating communication with seller you need to know few facts:

  • If you did not receive the item, or the item is not as described, you have 30 days from your actual or latest estimated delivery date to open a request, under the eBay Money Back Guarantee. In reality ebay have money back Guarantee 50-60 days from date of purchase.
  • Envelope in which it arrived goods don not put to trash ! The seller may want a photo mailing envelope / package
  • If the goods are damaged keep with it in its original condition and do not give it to the trash
  • Your problem has few solutions refund,partial refund , send new products
  • Do not wait to the last day ebay guarantees read below..

First contact with the seller:

Do not open a dispute immediately, first send a message to the seller.In the message  describe your problem.

In the eBay choose Purchase history find a dealer defective with product and contact him

The picture is how to contact seller on ebay:







Choose the right topic for this time is the first choice

how-to-contact-seller-ebay choices of type problems with contact seller








And send him a message

Version for undelivered goods:

Good day 

I ordered with you “*goods” and still not received

please suggest next step

Much thanks and best regards 

“your name”

word  “*goods” replacewith the names and numbers of items, which  not arrived..

Seller respond :

Seller responds as like here:

Hello I am very sorry,that the goods have not been delivered to you Perhaps the package delayed at customs or post office. You can wait a few days?

Customer replied:

Good day i wait 7 days more if goods arrive I will send a message.

Much thanks

//Remember the time after which runs ebay protection ,if time runs out you will not be able to open dispute

If the goods are not delivered  within seven days dend a message to the seller

“Good day  i wait  more days and goods stil not arived please help”

Chinese seller respond with offer  refund ar resend

Refund is  refund the money back to you account (paypal) this choice si recomendet for this type case (if not goods not arived)

Resend  means seller send your order again. My experience is that nothing will not send Many Chinese traders on ebay lying. I do not recommend this “resend” method.

Product goes over 30 days, while the guarantee runs from eBay. result is such that nothing comes and you will not be able to open a dispute!


When open case ?


Whenever I open a dispute near expires Guarantee. If you open dispute prolonging guarantee on ebay.A product has more time to deliver.In practice, the product is a small chance that the goods arrive, if not arrive within the prescribed period – 1 from 10 cases

How can open case on ebay ? 

It is similar to that contact seller just choose the method that describes the goods not come.

Send the number of ordered products that do not come, Most of them are all products in one shipment.

Message to the seller reads as follows :

“Good day I ordered xx products and still not delivered , please sugest next step

Much thanks “

Answer from seller is : 

“Dear friends, we are sorry you have not received the item,it should be on the way. If you worry about the item, we will issue the full refund to you first. Once you receive the item. Please kindly repay us.Hope it could reach you soon. If you feel well. Hope you could leave us positive( neutral is same to negative feedback). If you want replacement,contact us with message. Since we will try our best to help you. Anything with the item, we will try our best to help you. Hope you could understand it”

If you’re satisfied with this solution, you can let the seller know by sending a message in the Resolution Center. If you don’t want to accept this offer, we encourage you to send the seller a messagewith solution that you’d be happy with.

You can also view the details of this request in the Resolution Center.


Seller may give the option to return the money or resend : 

You must choose to return the money (refund) is so safest.

Then you wait sometimes 3 days,whether the money will come into the account (paypal).

If not come money to account  again, contact seller !

“The money did not come on the account you sent them?”

If seller not responding or lying you can escalate the case !

Do not give bad feedback if the seller money back

If the trader returned the money give him a good feedback and all the stars.Often happens that the goods distributor properly sent but the mail is lost.And so, at his expense you must return the money ,therefore, it deserves a good rating.

Other questions with purchases from China


Seller sends the goods only part of the order– the part of ordered good missing or is brocken.

Send him this message:

Good day 

I ordered from you 10 pcs Goods (Name of goods) and be delivered only part  5 pcs

Please help  my suggest next  step

Best regards /you name/

If delivered products will be defective send this message to seller:

Good day

In the delivery is 5pcs (number of defective product ) defective, please help suggest next step

much thanks 

Other solution to save money on ebay and other chinese eShops

If the vendor is reliable and has already ordered from him many times and everything came alright. If goods arrives defective or missing part you can use this solution :

Post a dealer that you arrived damaged or missing goods,And suggested that he create another order in which to pack replacement for damaged or missing goods.

Hello i order 10 pcs “goods” and only 7 arive

i I propose to do next order in which I add the missing product

please help mee

Many sellers or buyers solve the following problems with the missing goods.

They are peaceful solutions to problems without cases ,but sometimes the seller avoids roll back the money or other solution.You need to use hard solution.

Refund from evil seller

to open your ebay dispute in which you describe your problem.

  • Prepare your camera to make its photos and videos with damaged goods
  • .Envelope or package does not fit into the trash, as the dispute is not resolved
  • Matche on the photos or video functional goods damaged goods.
  • Answer all the requirements to be ebay or paypal.
  • If you choose between a refund or sending new products choose refund

goood and bad voltmeters








This is my advice to solve problems with shopping overseas.Many traders are very willing resolve disputes.I have good experience and yet 100% of my problem was resolved.

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